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made simple
made repeatable

This is not a leather boxing glove.

​This is what you can achieve with a great mould, the appropriate resin, and an Evolution Rotacaster to provide you with total control over your casting process.

Cast by Jon Buck of Bucktron Studio in Sweden on an Evolution EVC2 with ControlCAST.

What can rotacasting

do for you?

The short version: provide high quality, repeatable, efficient hollow 3D casting that's considerably faster and far less labour-intensive than laying up by hand or slush casting.

Rotacasters have become one of the most cost-effective tools for the props and prototyping industries, saving production time, materials and the labour costs of highly skilled personnel.

An Evolution Rotacaster can make a real difference when it comes to tight timelines and impossible deadlines.

Don't just take our word for it...

Jon Buck, Director at Bucktron Studio, Sweden, had this to say...

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The machines at Evolution Rotacasters are fantastic. They are delivered with a very quick set-up procedure and easily positioned in the workplace.

The ControlCAST software that powers the arms is so versatile it allows for any configuration of rotations with the mould, as well as the ability to store previous mould settings ensuring re-casting an old project is effortless. Casting a new mould requires a little R&D, but once the formula is set the smoothness of the machine ensures that each cast part is practically identical both inside and out, and whilst the machine is running it frees up time to do other jobs saving a lot of arm work.

In short, if you are in the casting business, put one of these machines at the top of your wish-list.

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Thank you Evolution Rotacasters for the excellent EVC machine we have recently purchased. I would like to express how genuinely impressive the unit has proved to be and how much it has expanded the scope of the props we are now able to produce.

In particular we have been impressed with the ability to produce both small and very large component castings to accurate and even thicknesses throughout, bubble and void free in a manner that is both relatively quick and easy.

Thank you again for overdelivering both in terms of the versatility and scope of castings we can now produce with this machine and the fantastic service and customer support throughout.

Simon Brindle, Costume Armour Supervisor, Artisan Armours Ltd

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Excellent service. I would highly recommend Evolution Rotacasters to anyone!

We bought a rotacaster machine from Ewan at Evolution Rotacasters for a job we had taken on, however we had very little time to turn this around. We were told the machine would take [a few] weeks to build due to the size of it, however Ewan loaned us a machine so we could meet our deadline. This was extremely helpful and we couldn't thank Ewan enough for his incredible dedication and service.

Not to mention, when we did receive our brand new rotacaster which was personally delivered by Ewan himself, it did not fail our expectations and the service is second to none.

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The rotacaster range at a glance...

EVU benchtop rotocaster machine
EVC mobile workshop rotacaster machine
EVR2 large workshop mobie rotacast machine

Evolution Rotacasters range in size from the EVU2 benchtop (moulds 600 x 400mm), through the EVC, EVR and ERV+ (mobile machines), and up to the EVRX (moulds typically up to 2m x 2m, weighing up to 300kg).

Click on a machine image to take you to the appropriate page, or click here for a specifications overview of the entire range.

EVRX very large rotacaster can cast a classic Mini bodyshell
EVR2Plus large moile workshop rotacaster

What will

you create


Take control of your casting operation with an Evolution Rotacaster

See rotacasters in action...

What is a rotacasting machine?

The word is a contraction of rotational casting. It's a process where cold, liquid casting materials (usually two-part catalytic materials such as polyurethane, acrylic or silicone) are poured into a sealed hollow mould and rotated in two opposing directions simultaneously (bi-axial casting) to create a hollow 3D cast. Cured casts can be left hollow, cut open to create shells, or back-filled with a range of materials to create a solid object.

A 3D rotational casting machine (a rotacaster) enables this process to be achieved without the time, skill and sheer hard graft that is known as slush moulding or slush casting.

Rotacasting, also known as rotocasting, is a flexible day-to-day technology for a wide range of applications such as prop-making, prototyping, design toys, sculpture, shop fittings, and architectural features, to name a few.

Rotacasting is not the same as rotomoulding! Rotomoulding uses pelletised plastics, melted in heated moulds. Doing away with the need for heat makes rotacasting versatile, highly cost-effective, and opens up your casting creativity to a whole new world of material choices.

Use rotational 3D caster profitably alongside a 3D printer: use the printer to make your master (or mould), then rotacast to make faster, high-quality multiples whilst your 3D printer gets on with something else.

So, what will you create today?

Welcome to Evolution Rotacasters


We're not just another distributor of machinery and materials. We design and build fully balanced cold-cast rotational casting machines for both professionals and light users. We're based in the UK, where all of our machines are built in-house, but our rotacasters work worldwide.

To be the best, you need to choose the best, and the best is definitely what you get from an Evolution rotacaster. It's not just great technology; we pride ourselves on skilled and approachable technical support, both before and after sales.

You have lots of choices of casting materials that work well with an Evolution rotacaster machine. Try polyurethanes (PU), polyester resins, flexible silicone (silicon), urethane rubbers, synthetic rubbers, art and synthetic gypsum, chopped strand materials and even metallised gel coats. There's a choice for virtually every casting application.

You can buy direct from us, or from one of our carefully selected distributors.

Frequently asked question

Q: Are your machines made in China?

A: No, they most certainly are not!

All of our rotacasters have been designed by us in the UK. Every machine is built - again by us - here in good old Great Britain.

We do not off-shore the manufacturing of our beautiful British rotational casting machines.

You're in the right place for: rotacasters, rotacasting machines. rotocasting machines, rotocasters, rotational casting machines, rotational moulding, 3D casting, cold casting, slush casting, rotacasting, rotocasting, resin casting, resin moulding, silicone casting, silicon casting, polyurethane casting, hollow casting, machinery made in the UK, and great British engineering!

​UK Telephone: +44(0)1938 555599

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Rotational Casting Machines : Rotocasting machines : Designed & built only in the UK

RotacasterUK, Evolution RotaCasters, and ControlCAST are trading brands of Evolution Rotacasters Limited, United Kingdom

Website content and images Copyright Evolution Rotacasters Ltd 2020 unless otherwise stated 

Love our pics but please respect © Copyright Evolution Rotacasters 2022
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